Sunday, April 13, 2014


I feel like when it comes to LEGO bricks, you either understand, and nod sagely, and reminisce about a childhood spent with huge bins of the bricks, or maybe your carefully sorted wall of parts back home... Or, you roll your eyes a little and call them a toy.

So, if you're in that latter camp, this might be a very, very boring Blogpost for you.

If you don't know, however, Adult-Fans-Of-LEGO are absolutely a thing. There's a cottage industry of sorts - If you go to a convention and see a huge setup, or are browsing Pinterest and see an enormous LEGO construction on someone's Inspiration board, you're probably seeing the work of an AFOL.

They're a recognized component of LEGO's market, too. They know that grown-up fans are still out there. After all, while we accept that the $300 death star playset might be on some kids list, it is harder to imagine that the static, ten thousand piece Collector's Edition super star destroyer is intended to be purchased by a 12-year old.

So, let's talk LEGO.