Thursday, April 8, 2010

Upcoming Project

After a startlingly busy week, I'll be aiming to discuss a little bit of my ongoing design of a major RPG campaign I want to run over the summer.

I will try to be generic and not spoil anything for my players, but just in case, players - POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERTS. I will pointedly try to put up biger warnings anyplace where I get so far under the hood player enjoyment and surprise might be threatened, but this is my blanket warning.

Here's a teaser, the RSS Feed, and a link to the Obsidian Portal account I'm working to fill up. Feel free to leave comments, questions or requests.

Madness Spreads as Winter Grows,

Forests withered, Oceans Froze,

Centuries gone Cold and Dead,

The hand of a Dark God felt with Dread…

Dreams of Ice and Madness RSS Feed

Dreams of Ice and Madness on Obsidian Portal