Font / Graphic Design / Eco Geek
My mom lost a PDF original of a flyer she needed for her composting presentations. She was going to use our printer's Copier function with an old printed one, but I noted, after she pointed out how the flyers had changed to use less ink, that she'd be wasting ink with that blackened xerox crud all over. I popped it into Photoshop, cleaned it up, and E-mailed her the clean copy after printing some copies for her.
Bonus: Cracked Comic Sans joke.
Roleplay Geek
Participated in a smallish Forgotten Realms oneshot. I was honestly a bit hesitant;
I'm moving from San Diego back to Tucson soon, and I really miss the in-depth experience of Live-Action Roleplaying in the Camarilla. It's a very immersive RP experience, more like improvisational theater and shared storytelling. There's a lot _Less_ of a focus on this in my local group of players in San Diego, especially when we're getting together simply as an alternative to not playing. I suspected the group would be some of the more RP-light folks and was worried it might not be as rewarding. In all fairness, it wasn't bad - But, I've been in numerous small, make your character on the spot games this summer, and most of the drama and investment I'd like in a Roleplaying game has not been there. Maybe that's a topic for another post however.
Roleplay TMI: 4th edition, Scepter Tower of Spellgard. I played a 3rd level dwarven devoted cleric, for healing and buffing. I aimed to add some ties to the 4E Faerun setting and some background and a good goal, seeking a lost dwarven relic, but it all basically boiled down to pushing through combat encounters. Like most games since I got back. Minor le sigh.
Computer Gaming Geek
Double dose here. My comic of Mirror's Edge (Bought for 7 bucks, shipping included off of Newegg, thanks to Dealzmodo.) arrived today, although I haven't gotten to play it, but once I got home from the above RPG, I hopped on and played a few stirring maps of Counter Strike: Source with my friends. Strangely, only one lives in my state or has met me in person, and he was the 'odd guy out', and I had to make sure it was all right he joined us. I'm acceptable at CS, and managed to top a few maps, but it was basically just shooting large teams of bots up for a very casual experience.
Comic Book Geek
I purchased Mice Templar last night, and finished it today. Strangely enough it was originally a mix up when searching for info on the new Mouse Guard that I found Mice Templar. Any comic whose foreword name-checks Reepicheep and comes recommended by Mike Mignola of Hellboy fame had to be a keeper, and I didn't feel disappointed. The novel is much more nuanced adventure, with a lot of moral gray areas and a world whose lore is never entirely honest about what's going on. And some seriously Bad-Ass Mice.
To-Do list:
Expandable Post Summaries (O)
Split Blogroll into Webcomics, Blogs, and Other (O)
Interview Fellow Geeks on Title Identity / Geek Species (O)
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